uniMIND - Psychedelic Science

uniMIND sets up academic discussion groups composed of students and senior academics from a wide range of levels and backgrounds. These groups then meet with the shared goal of engaging in critical discourse on altered states of consciousness and psychedelics. Discussions revolve around applications in basic and clinical research, the mind and brain sciences, philosophy, as well the humanities and social sciences.

We want to meet regularly and discuss topics of our interest, these can  cover any discipline related to psychedelic research from psychotherapy and neuroscience to the humanities and social sciences. The topic will be shared prior to the meeting to allow the rest of the group to prepare. There´s is room to invite speakers, do workshops etc. And sometimes there should be a piece of cake too.

The initiative started 2019. Everybody is welcome, if the language (primarily english) might be a reason for insecurity- no need to! We will find a way to integrate everybody who is interested.

If you are interested, please contact us via mail: